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from the Software Development Environments group at Lund 
Most papers are available electronically from this page. In addition, copies of papers and theses can usually be obtained from the author directly, or from:



U. Asklund, L. Bendix, and J. Persson
Summary of the NWPER2000 - Subworkshop on Change Management for Open Source Software
In Noridc Journal of Computing, 7(2) 2000.
P. Persson, G. Hedin
An Interactive Environment for Real-Time Software Development
In Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems
(TOOLS Europe 2000), Mont St. Michel, France, June 2000.
[Abstract (html)]


U. Asklund, L. Bendix, H. Christensen, and B. Magnusson
The Unified Extensional Versioning Model
In Proceedings of SCM-9, Ninth International  Symposium on System Configuration Management, J. Estublier (Ed.), Toulouse, France, September 1999. LNCS, Springer Verlag.
[Abstract (html)]

U. Asklund, B. Magnusson, and A. Persson
Experiences; Distributed Development and Software Configuration Management
In Proceedings of SCM-9, Ninth International  Symposium on System Configuration Management, J. Estublier (Ed.), Toulouse, France, September 1999. LNCS, Springer Verlag.
[Abstract (html)]

U. Asklund
Configuration Management for Distributed Development - Practice and Needs
Licentiate thesis, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 1999.
ISSN 1404-1219, Dissertation 10, 1999
[Abstract (html)] [download...]

E. Bjarnason, G. Hedin, K. Nilsson
Interactive Language Development for Embedded Systems
In Nordic Journal of Computing 6(1999), 36-55.
[Abstract (html)]
An earlier version of this paper was published at NWPER'98 under the title "APPLAB - An Application Language Laboratory". [Abstract etc. (html)]

S. Gestegård
Emulation Software for Executable Specifications
Master's Thesis, LU-CS-EX:99-6, Dept. of Computer Science, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden. April 1999.
[Abstract etc. (html)]

M. Haage, K. Nilsson
On the Scalability of Visualization in Manufacturing
To appear in IEEE ETFA'99 (Emerging Technologies in Factory Automation), 1999.
[Abstract etc. (html)]

G. Hedin, J. L. Knudsen.
Language Support for Application Framework Design
To appear in the book Implementing Application Frameworks: Object-Oriented Frameworks at Work. Wiley, 1999.
[Abstract (html)]
A short version of this paper will be published in ACM Computing Surveys under the title "On the Role of Language Constructs for Framework Design" [Abstract (html)].

G. Hedin
Reference Attributed Grammars
To appear in Informatica.
[Abstract (html)]
An earlier version of this paper was published at WAGA'99. [Abstract etc. (html)]

K. Nilsson, R. Johansson
Integrated Architecture for Industrial Robot Programming and Control
Accepted for publication in Robotics and Autonomous Systems, copyright Elsevier Science
[Abstract (html)]

P. Persson, G. Hedin
Interactive Execution Time Predictions using Reference Attributed Grammars
In WAGA'99, Second Workshop on Attribute Grammars and their Applications.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 26, 1999.
[Abstract etc. (html)]

P. Persson
Live Memory Analysis for Garbage Collection in Embedded Systems
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 1999 Workshop on Languages,
Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES'99), Atlanta, GA,
May 1999, pages 45-54. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, July 1999.
[Abstract (html)]

J. Skeppstedt, F. Dahlgren, P. Stenström
Evaluation of Compiler-Controlled Updating to Reduce Coherence-Miss Penalties in Shared-Memory Multiprocessors
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, v 56, n 1, February, 1999, p122-143 (ID jpdc.1998.1510) Copyright © 1999 Academic Press
[Abstract (html)]

J. Skeppstedt, M. Dubois.
Compiler Controlled Prefetching for Multiprocessors Using Low-Overhead Traps and Prefetch Engines
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, in press.
[Abstract (html)]


J. Bosch, G. Hedin, K. Koskimies
Tools for Software Architecture
Report from the subworkshop held at NWPER'98, Eighth Nordic Workshop on Programming Environment Research, Ronneby, Sweden, August 1998.
[Report (html)]

J. Bosch, H. Bachatene, G. Hedin, K. Koskimies
OOSA'98, ECOOP'98 Workshop on Object-Oriented Software Architecture
Workshop summary. In Object-Oriented Technology, ECOOP'98 Workshop Reader, Brussels, July 1998, LNCS 1543, pp 99-104, Springer-Verlag.
[Report (compressed postscript)]

G. Hedin, L. Ohlsson, J. McKenna.
Product Configuration Using Object-Oriented Grammars
In Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on System Configuration Management (SCM-8), Brussels, July 20-21, 1998. LNCS 1439, pp 107-126, Springer-Verlag.
[Abstract etc. (html)]

A. Ive
Runtime performance evaluation of embedded software
In K. A. Mughal and A. L. Opdahl (editors): Proceedings of NWPER '98,
Eighth Nordic Workshop on Programming Environment Research, Ronneby, Sweden, August 1998.
[Abstract etc. (html)]

K. Nilsson, A. Blomdell, O. Laurin
Open Embedded Control
In Real-Time Systems, Vol 14, No 3, pp 325-343, copyright Kluwer, May 1998.
[Abstract (html)]

P. Persson
On the Integration of Text Editing and Version Control.
In K. A. Mughal and A. L. Opdahl (editors): Proceedings of NWPER '98,
Eighth Nordic Workshop on Programming Environment Research, Ronneby, Sweden, August 1998.
[Abstract etc. (html)]


U. Asklund, B. Magnusson
A Case-Study of Configuration Management with ClearCase in an Industrial Environment
In Proceedings of SCM-7, International Workshop on Software Configuration Management, R. Conradi (Ed.), Boston, May, 1997. LNCS, Springer Verlag.
[ps, 219 kB] [pdf, 59 kB]

E. Bjarnason
Interactive Tool Support for Domain-Specific Languages
Licentiate Thesis. Dept. of Computer Science, LU-CS-TR:97-192, 112 pages. Dept. of Computer Science, Lund University, December 1997.
Describes APPLAB and the robot case study

E. Bjarnason and G. Hedin.
Tool Support for Framework-Specific Language Extensions
In Bosch and Mitchell (Eds.): Object-Oriented Technology. ECOOP'97 Workshop Reader, pp129-132. LNCS 1357, Springer Verlag, 1997.
[Abstract etc. (html)]

G. Hedin.
Attribute Extension - A Technique for Enforcing Programming Language Conventions
Nordic Journal of Computing 4 (1997), 93-122.
[Abstract (html)]
An earlier version of this paper was published at NWPER'96 under the title "Enforcing programming conventions by attribute extension in an open compiler". [Abstract etc. (html)]

G. Hedin.
Language Support for Design Patterns Using Attribute Extension.
In Bosch and Mitchell (Eds.): Object-Oriented Technology. ECOOP'97 Workshop Reader, pp137-140. LNCS 1357, Springer Verlag, 1997.
[Abstract etc. (html)]

R. Henriksson
Predictable Automatic Memory Management for Embedded Systems
Presented at OOPSLA'97 Workshop on Garbage Collection and Memory Management, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, October 5, 1997.
[ps, 165 kB]

M. Nyberg
Integrated Robot Programming
Master's thesis. LUNDFD6/NFCS-5098/1--25/1997. Dept. of Computer Science, Lund University, Sweden. December 1997.
About using APPLAB to translate between two different robot languages.


 E. Bjarnason
APPLAB - A Laboratory for Application Languages
In Bendix et al. (Eds): Proceedings of NWPER'96, Nordic Workshop on Programming Environment Research, pp 99-104. Aalborg, May 1996.
[ps, 102 kB] [pdf, 23 kB]

U. Asklund
Integrated Version Control in the COOP/Orm Version Server
In Bendix et al. (Eds): Proceedings of NWPER'96, Nordic Workshop on Programming Environment Research, pp 105-112. Aalborg, May 1996.
[ps, 257 kB] [pdf, 74 kB]

T. Olsson
A View of a Merge
In Bendix et al. (Eds): Proceedings of NWPER'96, Nordic Workshop on Programming Environment Research, pp 91-98. Aalborg, May 1996.

R. Henriksson
Adaptive Scheduling of Incremental Copying Garbage Collection for Interactive Applications
In Bendix et al. (Eds): Proceedings of NWPER'96, Nordic Workshop on Programming Environment Research, pp 113-120. Aalborg, May 1996.
[ps, 481 kB]

E. Bjarnason
APPLAB User's Guide. Version 1.2
Technical Report, 65 pages. Dept. of Computer Science, Lund University, 1996.
[ps, 1057 kB] [pdf, 552 kB]

E. Bjarnason, G. Hedin
A Grammar-Interpreting Parser in a Language Design Laboratory
In Proceedings of the Poster Session of CC'96 (International Conference on Compiler Construction). P Fritzson (ed.), pp 15-24, LiTH-IDA-R-96-12, Dept. of Computer Science, Linköping University, Sweden, April 1996. Describes the APPLAB incremental parser.
[ps, 224 kB]

B. Ekberg
Grammatikstyrd LSA-editor
Master's thesis. LU-CS-EX:96-3. Dept. of Computer Science, Lund University, Sweden. In Swedish.
About an application of APPLAB to a finite state machine language.

B. Magnusson, U. Asklund
Fine Grained Version Control of Configurations in COOP/Orm
In Proceedings of SCM-6, Symposium on Configuration Management, I. Sommerville (Ed.), Berlin, March 1996, LNCS, Springer Verlag.
[ps, 291 kB] [pdf, 75 kB]


B. Magnusson
Fine-Grained Version Control in COOP/Orm
Presented at European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work 1995, in the workshop on Version Control in CSCW Applications, 6 pages. Stockholm, Sept. 1995.
LU-CS-TR:96-163, Dept. of Computer Science, Lund University, Sweden.
[ps, 92 kB]

B. Magnusson, U. Asklund
Collaborative Editing - distribution and replication of shared versioned objects
Presented at European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 1995, in the Workshop on Mobility and Replication, 4 pages. Aarhus, August 1995.
LU-CS-TR:96-162, Dept. of Computer Science, Lund University, Sweden.
[ps, 88 kB]

B. Magnusson, R. Henriksson
Garbage Collection for Control Systems
LU-CS-TR:95-154, Dept of Computer Science, Lund University, Sweden, 1995.
[ps, 171 kB]

B. Magnusson, R. Henriksson
Garbage Collection for Hard Real-Time Systems
In Proceedings of the International Workshop of Object-Orientation in Operating Systems (IWOOOS'95), August 1995, Lund, Sweden.
[ps, 97 kB]


Görel Hedin
An Overview of Door Attribute Grammars
International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC'94), pp 31-51. LNCS 786, Springer Verlag. 1994.
An overview article.
[ps, 169 kB]

Görel Hedin
A Door Attribute Grammar for an Object-Oriented Language
Technical Report LU-CS-TR:94-134, 26 pages. Dept of Computer Science. Lund University. 1994.
An example Door AG.
[ps, 189 kB]

Mattias Ljunggren
Implementation av specifikationsspråk för inkrementell semantisk analys
Master's Thesis. LU-CS-EX:94-9. Dept. of Computer Science, Lund University, 1994. In Swedish.
About an implementation of Door AGs.

R. Henriksson
Scheduling Real Time Garbage Collection
In Magnusson et al. (Eds): Proceedings of NWPER'94, Nordic Workshop on Programming Environment Research, pp 253-266. Lund, June 1994.
[ps, 132 kB]

U. Asklund
Identifying Conflicts During Structural Merge
In Magnusson et al. (Eds): Proceedings of NWPER'94, Nordic Workshop on Programming Environment Research, pp 231-242. Lund, June 1994.
[ps, 137 kB] [pdf, 75 kB]

A. Dellien
Dynamic code optimization for statically typed OO languages in an integrated incremental system
In Magnusson et al. (Eds): Proceedings of NWPER'94, Nordic Workshop on Programming Environment Research, pp 267-278. Lund, June 1994.
[ps, 111 kB]

T. Olsson
Group Awareness Using Fine-Grained Revision Control
In Magnusson et al. (Eds): Proceedings of NWPER'94, Nordic Workshop on Programming Environment Research, pp 243-252. Lund, June 1994.
[ps, 113 kB]


Görel Hedin
An object-oriented view on attribute grammars
Chapter 31 in Object-Oriented Environments: The Mjolner Approach, pp 470-480. Knudsen et al. (Eds.), Prentice Hall, 1993.
This paper describes how ordinary AGs may be viewed as definitions in an object-oriented specification language, and discusses the advantages of such a view. Door AGs are an extension to this AG notation.
[Info on book (html)]

Görel Hedin
Incremental name analysis for object-oriented languages
Chapter 32 in Object-Oriented Environments: The Mjolner Approach, pp 481-496. Knudsen et al. (Eds.), Prentice Hall, 1993.
This paper describes the common problems in name analysis occurring for OO languages like Simula, BETA, Eiffel, and C++. A graph-based technique for representing such information is described and different techniques for updating such information incrementally are compared.
[Info on book (html)]

Görel Hedin
Using door attribute grammars for incremental name analysis
Chapter 33 in Object-Oriented Environments: The Mjolner Approach, pp 497-510. Knudsen et al. (Eds.), Prentice Hall, 1993.
This paper describes how the graph-based name analysis can be described declaratively using door attribute grammars.
[Info on book (html)]

W. Burghard, M. Nilsson.
Applications of Door Attribute Grammars
Master's Thesis. Dept. of Computer Science. Lund University. 1993.
[ps, 877 kB]

W. Burghard and M. Nilsson.
Translation of OOSL constructs to Simula and BETA
Technical note. Dept. of Computer Science. Lund University. 1993.
[ps, 190 kB]

B. Magnusson, U. Asklund, S. Minör
Fine-Grained Revision Control for Collaborative Software Development
In ACM SIGSOFT'93 Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, Dec, 1993. 9 pages
[ps, 190 kB] [pdf, 95 kB]

S. Minör, B. Magnusson
A Model for Semi-(a)Synchronous Collaborative Editing
In Proceedings of ECSCW'93. Third European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Milano, Italy, 13-17 Sept 1993. 13 pages.
[ps, 131 kB]


Görel Hedin
Incremental Semantic Analysis
Ph.D. Thesis. LUTEDX/(TECS-1003), 276 pages. Dept. of Computer Science, Lund University. 1992.
A thorough description of Door AGs and incremental static-semantic analysis of OO languages.
[Abstract (html)]. Contact the author for copies.

G. Hedin
Context-Sensitive Editing in Orm
In K. Systä et al (eds.), Proceedings of the Nordic Workshop on Programming Environment Research, Tampere, Finland. Tampere University of Technology. Software Systems Lab. TR 14. January 1992.
[ps, 110 kB]

B. Magnusson
Object Orientation in Incremental Environments
Presented at the Conference: Computer Science at Swedish Universities, organized by NUTEK (Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical Development), Stockholm, December 1992. LU-CS-TR:93-110, 10 pages.

B. Magnusson
A module concept for nested classes
Presented at 18th Simula User's Conference, June 11-12. 1992. Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands. 7 pages.
[Abstract (html)]

S. Minör, B. Magnusson
Using Mjolner Orm as a structure-based meta environment
In Structure-Oriented Editors and Environments, L. Neal, G. Szwillus (Eds), Academic Press. LU-CS-TR:92-101. 30 pages.
[ps, 349 kB]


Görel Hedin
Incremental Static-Semantic Analysis for Object-Oriented Languages using Door Attribute Grammars
In Alblas and Melichar (Eds): Attribute Grammars, Applications and Systems. International Summer School SAGA, pp 374-379. LNCS 545, Springer-Verlag, June 1991.
[ps, 101 kB]

S. Minör
Interacting with structure-oriented editors
In International Journal of Man-Machine Studies. LU-CS-TR:91-74. 23 pages.
[ps, 1 228 kB]

B. Magnusson et al.
Mjolner/Orm User's Guide (version 1.3)
[ps, 1 009 kB]


O. L. Madsen, B. Magnusson, B. Moller-Pedersen.
Strong typing in object-oriented languages revisited
In Proceedings of OOPSLA'90, Ottowa, October, 1990.
LU-CS-TR:90-66, 19 pages.
[ps, 241 kB]

B. Magnusson, G. Hedin, S. Minör, et al.
An overview of the Mjolner/Orm Environment
In TOOLS'90, Paris, France.
LU-FS-TR:90-57. 12 pages.
[ps, 287 kB]


Görel Hedin
An Object-Oriented Notation for Attribute Grammars
In Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP'89), S. Cook (Ed.), British Informatics Society Ltd., Nottingham, 329-235, 1989.
[Abstract (html)]

T. Hauge, I. Nordgard, D. Oscarsson, G. Raeder.
Event-Driven User Interfaces Based on Quasi Parallelism
Proceedings of the 1st ACM Symposium on User Interface Software, 1988.
[Abstract (html)]


Görel Hedin
Incremental Attribute Evaluation with Side-effects
In Hammer (Ed.): Compiler Compilers and High Speed Compilation, pp 175-189. LNCS 371, Springer-Verlag, October 1988.
Presents an earlier version of Door AGs.
[Abstract (html)]

G. Hedin, B. Magnusson
The Mjolner environment: Direct interaction with abstractions
In Proceedings of the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP'88), Oslo, Norway, August 1988. LNCS 322, Springer-Verlag pp 41-54.
[Abstract (html)]

S. Minör.
A Model for Flexible Communication Between Objects
In Proceedings of the 16th Simula User's Conference, Innsbruck, 1988.
[ps, 1 194 kB]


S. Minör
Structured Command Interaction Based on a Grammar-Interpreting Synthesizer
In Proceedings of the Second IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Stuttgart, North-Holland, 1987.
[ps, 1 447 kB]

M. Taube, G. Hedin, B. Magnusson
The Mjolner observation tool: An object-oriented view on programs and program execution
In Proceedings of the 15th Simula Conference, Jersey, 16-18 Sept. 1987, pp 99-108.
[Abstract (html)]

S. Minör
A Generic Synthesizer and its Implementation
In Proceedings of the 15th Simula Conference, Jersey, 16-18 Sept. 1987, pp 89-98.
[ps, 1 421 kB]

G. Hedin, B. Magnusson
Supporting exploratory programming in Simula
In Proceedings of the 15th Simula Conference, Jersey, 16-18 Sept. 1987, pp 73-88.
[Abstract (html)]


P. Persson
Predicting Time and Memory Demands of Object-Oriented Programs
Licentiate Thesis, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 2000.
ISSN 1404-1219, Dissertation 12, 2000
[Abstract, download]

U. Asklund
Configuration Management for Distributed Development - Practice and Needs
Licentiate thesis, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 1999.
ISSN 1404-1219, Dissertation 10, 1999
[Abstract (html)] [download...]

E. Bjarnason
Interactive Tool Support for Domain-Specific Languages
Licentiate thesis, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 1997.

M. Mattsson
Object-Oriented Frameworks. A survey of methodological issues
Licentiate thesis, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 1996.

R. Henriksson
Scheduling Real-Time Garbage Collection
Licentiate thesis, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 1996.
[Abstract (html)]

J. Bosch
Layered Object Model - Investigating Paradigm Extensibility
Ph.D. thesis, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 1995.

G. Hedin
Incremental Semantic Analysis
Ph.D. thesis, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 1992.
[Abstract (html)]

S. Minör
On Structure-Oriented Editing
Ph.D. thesis, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 1990.
[Abstract (html)]

M. Bengtsson
Real-Time Compacting Garbage Collection Algorithms
Licentiate thesis, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 1990.
[Abstract (html)]

A. Gustavsson
Software Configuration Management in an Integrated Environment
Licentiate thesis, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 1990.
[Abstract (html)]


J. Bosch, G. Hedin
Proceedings of ALEL'96. Workshop on Compiler Techniques for Application Domain Languages and Extensible Language Models
LU-CS-TR:96-173, Dept. of Computer Science, Lund University, Sweden, 1996.
[Electronic proceedings]
J. L. Knudsen, M. Lofgren, O. L. Madsen, B. Magnusson (eds)
Object-oriented environments: The Mjolner approach
PRENTICE HALL, The Object-Oriented Series, ISBN 0-13-009291-6 (hbk), 1994
[Content list (html)]

B. Magnusson, G. Hedin, S. Minör
Proceedings of NWPER'94, Nordic workshop on programming environment research
LU-CS-TR:94-127, Dept. of Computer Science, Lund University, Sweden, 1994.
[Content list (html)]

Last modified: September 1, 1999