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Object-oriented environments: The Mjolner approach
Jorgen Lindskov Knudsen (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Mats Lofgren (Telia Research AB, Sweden)
Ole Lehrmann Madsen (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Boris Magnusson (Lund University, Sweden)
The Object-Oriented Series
ISBN 0-13-009291-6 (hbk)
The book is 627 pages and presents the results of extensive research
into object-orientation including object-oriented design, implementation,
languages, and environments.
Participating organizations
Part I Software development environments
- The Mjolner Orm system
- The Mjolner BETA system
- OSDL - language and tool support
Part II Modeling and programming languages
- Conceptual framework
- An overview of Simula
- An overview of BETA
- Strong typing of object-oriented languages revisited
- Rationale on object-oriented SDL
Part III Programming in the large
- The Mjolner BETA fragment system
- The Orm program base
Part IV Persistence
- Persistent object concepts
- Language level support for persistence in BETA
- The Orm storage model
Part V User interfaces for environments and applications
- Direct interaction in the Orm programming environment
- The Mjolner BETA user interface system
- Bifrost - an interactive graphics system
- DesignEnv
Part VI Grammar based architectures
- The Mjolner Orm architecture
- An object-oriented metaprogramming system
- Grammar interpretation in Orm
Part VII Editing
- Changing the syntax on the fly
- Graphical structure editing
- Hypertext in an object-oriented programming environment
- An object-oriented CASE tool
Part VIII Language implementation
- Simula runtime system overview
- The implementation of BETA
- Supporting exploratory programming
- Observation in Orm
- Garbage collection in real-time systems
- Translating OSDL to BETA
Part IX Incremental compilation techniques
- An object-oriented view on attribute grammars
- Incremental name analysis for object-oriented languages
- Using door attribute grammars for incremental name analysis
Part X Mjolner in use
- High level specification of a telecom application with OSDL
- Using OSDL for customization of telecom software
- OSDL used for specification of a train control system
- BETA in an embedded system
- Implementing ISDN supplementary services
- ApplBuilder - an application generator
- Teaching object-oriented methodology and languages